Liposuction LipoLife - procedure and after care

Dr. Ilona Osadowska · 855 · 2019-03-10 (akt.)
Summary Advantages Candidates Preparation Procedure & care Doctors, Clinics Prices Pictures

Liposukcja i powiększanie piersi tłuszczem


Local anaesthesia with shallow sedation will be the best possible option for a minimally invasive liposuction such as LipoLife. It has many advantages comparing to a General Anaesthesia and faciliates us to obtain the best aesthetic outcomes. We will apply an Intravenous Port. Treatment is conducted with Dr. Anaesthesiologist. 

What is typical for LipLife - bleeding during and after surgery is very limited. Most patients go home after procedure without major hematomas.

Post-treatment care

Immediately after the treatment, we help the patients to put on and individually tailored compression garment. We choose it according to each patient’s size. The clothes are to be used typically for 6 weeks and 24 hours a day.

A series of manual lymphatic massages should start in 1 week after surgery. This is to be organized by you in your surrounding. In most cases we recommend a cycle of 10 treatments performed twice a week, at possibly equal time intervals. The massage is crucial for good recovery and even skin after procedure. 

Gym workout

Typically you will be able to get back to light excercises in 1 week after procedure. Full charge 2 weeks after treament.  


LipoLife is an interesting method due to very low trauma and quick recovery. In the hands of an experienced doctor, it makes it easier to obtain nice effects and a really high patient satisfaction. The healing process after the procedure is extremely fast. Most patients do not have hematomas at all.

Our aim is to reshape your figure the way that nobody will see any traces after procedre, such as scars or skin irregularities. If you do a proper follow-up, wait after healing is finished and keep waight stable -  there is a big chance we will together achieve that goal. 


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