Effects of eyelid & eyebag surgery

dr Ilona Osadowska · 635 · 2019-02-05 (akt.)
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Eyelids scars merely visible 6 months after surgery

Right after surgery, the upper eyelids seams will be visible as a thin, dark line. At lower eyelids they look like black dots, partially hidden under eyelashes.

Eyelid healing process

For 1-2 weeks after we can expect some visible bruising. In most cases women are able to hide it with makeup. Most people return to normal activity within 3-5 days. 

The first healing stage lasts from a few days to two weeks. For a few weeks we will be accompanied by swelling - initially clearly visible, then it becomes poorly perceptible and will no longer interfere with normal functioning.

After a few weeks, the swelling will disappear completely.  The scar will be slightly thickened during the first weeks after the procedure. Next day after removing stitches you will probably be able to hide it under make-up. After a dozen or so weeks it will be difficult to see even when the eyelids are closed and then disappear completely.


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