Aptos - Thread Lift and Skin Rejuvenation in one treatment

Dr. Ilona Osadowska · 1120 · 2019-05-14 (akt.)
Thread Lift summary Thread Selection Treatment Effects Doctors, Clinics Prices Reviews Pictures

Aptos is currently one of the most interesting methods of rejuvenation for a mature and active woman. It allows you to achieve great effects of skin lifting and renewal, but without the inconvenience of classic, surgical face lifting.

Aptos is currently a well-refined, wide range of several dozen threads, adapted to the facelift and revitalization of individual areas of the face and body. The most typical treatments are the reconstruction of sunken cheeks, pulling up and alignment of the jaw line, lifting and straining the chin. Absorbable threads also gives a strong revitalizing effect on the skin. Aptos threads may be a good solution for those who consider a surgical face lift, but are afraid of a major surgery or have no time to wait for a long period of time postoperatively. The Aptos method has been developed for over 20 years by Dr. Marlen Sulamaniedze, a plastic surgeon from Georgia and his family, also doctors. 

Aptos Light Lift - resorbable threads    

The latest bioabsorbable Aptos Threads are made of polylactic acid and polycaprolactone. Both materials have been used in medicine for several decades, including for the production of absorbable surgical threads. L-polylic acid has also been used for several years in aesthetic medicine as an active factor in biostimulation therapy, giving excellent effects of skin rejuvenation and revitalization. Absorbable threads Aptos combine both applications, combining the effect of mechanical pull-up and skin modeling as well as revitalization and reconstruction of the structure.

Permanent Aptos Threads

Made up of polycaprolactone, for years used to produce surgical threads. They offer the longest duration of effect for 5 years.

Who is a good candidate for lifting with threads

 A person noticing the following features:

  • sunken, lowered or disappearing cheeks,
  • drooping corners of the mouth,
  • double chin,
  • the mandible line merging with the neck, and
  • clearly reduced folds of the skin of the jaw (hamsters)

Aptos threads gives particularly good results in people with pronounced signs of weakening of the facial structure and loss of skin firmness. They enable effective, non-surgical face lifting also in case of significant aging changes.

Nici Aptos efekty zabiegu zdjęcie dzień po zabiegu.

The following contraindications are

Acute infections, neoplastic changes, blood coagulation disorders, inflammation. 


Treatments with threads are performed in outpatient settings under a local anesthesia. The typical duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. We make the thread using needles or cannulas that carries the thread under the skin in the way we want. After surgery, you need to reckon with swelling and the formation of hematomas. Places to pierce the skin with a plaster and an antibiotic ointment. This treatment is best planned for 2-3 days off or before the weekend.

Dr. Ilona Osadowska, Head Surgeon

The new generation of Aptos threads offers an immediate improvement of the face oval and long-term revitalizing effect. Great effects, similar to a surgical facelift, are achieved with a minimally invasive procedure performed outpatient. The same advantages from the point of view of a contemporary active woman.

Dr. Ilona Osadowska

Aptos Threads treatment effect pictures before and 3 months after procedure. Theresa, Scotland

The effects of the treatment

The lifting effect is visible immediately after the procedure, while the visible skin renewal is noticeable after 2-3 months. Over the next few days, the effect of the treatment is not yet final it’s because it will be disturbed by swelling or hematoma. Only after their resignation and absorption that’s time you will able to enjoy the full effect, which will be further improved as a result of revitalizing the skin. The effect lasts from 3 to 5 years, depending on the threads, applications and individual tissue characteristics selected. Threads can be combined with many other aesthetic medicine therapies, such as fillers and bio stimulatory materials.


Read more: Thread Selection