Upper eyelid laser surgery, before and 6 months after

Dr Osadowska Clinic · 609 · 2019-03-11 (akt.)

Pictures with upper eyelid laser surgery - blepharoplasty. Photos taken before and 6 months after procedure.


Upper eyelid surgery for Sara, a 25 year old from France.

Sara wished to obtain more open, feminine eyeys. Laser method resulted in a fast and good healing with no downtime.  Pictures taken before and 6 months after procedure. Eyelid surgery was performed by  Dr. Peter Krzywicki.

Cheeks has also been complementary augmented with hyaluronic acid. The aim was to obtain more volume and charm, but remain very natural. Treated by Dr. Ilona Osadowska.

More: Eyelid & Eyebag Surgery - Blepharoplasty · Dr. Ilona Osadowska

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