Labiaplasty - a labia reduction surgery

Dr Osadowska Clinic · 740 · 2019-03-06 (akt.)
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A surgical correction of the labia majora, using a laser or with a classical method. A painless treatment (yes!), performed under local anesthesia with optional shallow sedation. Requires a proper preparation and careful after care. 

Labiaplasty - labia reduction surgery photo

A labiaplasty procedure, Thomas Sroczynski MD PhD. © 2017 Dr Osadowska Clinic

The shape and size of the labia is one of the most diverse elements of the woman's body. Although we correct them mainly for aesthetic reasons, there is no single canon of beauty. Most often we consider it appropriate when the inner lips are slightly smaller or only slightly larger than the outer lips. Much larger internal lips may cause some discomfort in everyday functioning. Ladies most often complain about such ailments as: abrasions with irritations, pulling and wedging underwear, discomfort in intercourse, practicing sports and wearing brief clothing, for example at the pool or beach. 

Am I a suitable candidate?

The best candidate is someone of generally good health, without any infections, without local irritation or inflammation. It would be favorable if the idea of the surgery has been well thought out for a long time and the willingness to do it is already well-established. 

Preparation for the procedure

During the initial consultation, the doctor will assess whether he can safely perform the treatment you want and if he can achieve the results you expect. We always conduct a control ultrasound, but you will also need recent smear test results (cytology). We will commission a list of laboratory tests - always morphology, but if in doubt, other tests may be ordered by the doctor. Before the surgery, we will ask you to epilate with a cream, without the use of sharp tools.

Labioplasty - the treatment

The procedure of labioplasty is relatively uncomplicated. It is performed under a local anesthesia and therefore it is not painful. There are several correction techniques to choose from. During consultation, the doctor will suggest the most appropriate of them, given the anatomical conditions and expectations of the patient. For people with low pain tolerance or anxiety we can also order shallow sedation with anesthetist’s assistance. The procedure is performed in our operating room. We use non-absorbable sutures, to be removed within 7 days after the procedure. 

Postoperative care

We arrange checkups the day after the surgery, after 7 days with the removal of sutures, and another 2 times in the following weeks. 

For ladies living abroad

Initial assessment of whether you are a good candidate will be possible remotely, based on interviews, photos and uploaded materials. The final decision and consent for the procedure will be made during the conversation with the doctor, during consultations at the clinic. The minimum time to perform the surgery is 3 days and 2 nights presence of the patient in our city. Please contact us, we will advise you on what will be needed and how to prepare yourself best. Without any additional fees, we can give recommendations on accommodation and affordable airport transfers

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