Liposuction for inner thighs and waist

Dr Osadowska Clinic · 622 · 2019-03-14 (akt.)

Liposukcja biodra przed po LipoLife


Liposuction LipoLife. Pictures before and 5 weeks after surgery.
Stephanie, a 36 year old from Berlin. Size 40 EUR, 10 UK.

The aim of the treatment was to flatten the abdomen, remove excess fat under the bra and obtain a narrower waist. During pregnancy, Stephanie gained weight, which she was later not able to loose. After 7 years of trials with exercises and various diets she decided for a minimally invasive liposuction at our clinic. Stefanie did not want to do abdominoplasty and did not want general anesthesia, which is exactly how we do this procedure. 

Doctor's opinion after procedure

We managed to achieve all the goals we set with very nice effects. All treated areas with clear reduction in volume and a good start to shaping a new silhouette. We also managed to avoid hematomas. Despite the pregnancy, the skin remained fairly firm and it shrunk immediately after the procedure. If Stefanie is diligent in postoperative care, will wear compression clothes as recommended and perform a series of lymphatic massages, in 2-3 months we will see her again with a really good figure - Dr. Ilona Osadowska.


Dr. Ilona Osadowska

Liposuction LipoLife


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