Liposuction of abdomen and love handles, Agnes, 1 day after

Dr Osadowska Clinic · 670 · 2019-03-14 (akt.)


Liposukcja brzucha i talii, zdjęcia efekty przed, po zabiegu. 1 dzień, Lipolife, Dr Ilona Osadowska


Agnes, a 37 year old from Poland, size EUR 36. 
Liposuction LipoLife, a laser one, for abdomen and flanks. Anaesthesia local with shallow sedation. Picture from before and 2,5 months after procedure.
Performed by Dr. Ilona Osadowska.

Agnes asked for a narrowing of the waist, which in her opinion was unsatisfactory. The aim of the treatment was to recreate the classic silhouette of an hourglass. By the way, we also slashed thighs and knees from the inside.

The effects immediately after the treatment are good. On the second day there was a relatively large swelling and larger than usual hematomas associated with an unplanned trip right after the procedure. Patient sensitive to injuries, bruises usually appear after bruises. Over the next 4-6 weeks, we expect the relief of swelling and skin smoothing after a series of lymphatic drainages.

See picture in 1 day after surgery

Tu zdjęcia w 2,5 miesiąca po zabiegu


Dr. Ilona Osadowska

Liposuction LipoLife


© 2018 Dr Osadowska Clinic

