A video with real patients opinions

Dr Osadowska Clinic · 588 · 2018-12-23 (akt.)

Watch and listen to real patients - eyelid surgery, liposuctions, fat transfers, labiaplasty. YouTube Channel. 

A video with Clinic and staff at work. A few UK patients' opinions. August 2017.

Some quotations:

Everything is very professional, very high quality, very state of the art. And the people doing work here, they know what they do.
John, UK. Upper and lower eyelid surgery.

Initially I was a bit sensitive, then they would increase the anaesthetic. In one minute I was just lying there smiling.
Gema, UK. Liposuction.

You see the preparation of the team and you know that you are in good hands. It surpassed my expectations. 
Andrea, London UK. Liposuction.

I do not think that there is anywhere in England I could find that could come close to what I am offered here. 
Clemon, UK. Liposuction.

YouTube channel: Dr Osadowska Clinic