Brazilian butt lifting, Angelina, before and after surgery

Dr Osadowska Clinic · 790 · 2019-06-22 (akt.)

Brazylijski LIfting Pośladków - wyszczuplenie talii, modelowanie pośladków własnym tłuszczem. Zdjęcia przed i 1 dzień po zabiegu. Liposukcja LipoLife. Wykonała dr Osadowska. Angelina z Dublina. 01


The picture shows the effects of the Brazilian Butt Lifting. Picture from before and the first day after surgery.

Angelina from Dublin, 29 years old, size 38 EUR/8 UK.

The patient asked for a new, harmonious silhouette. She was particularly interested in correcting her hips, which she described as square. She also asked for a rounded buttocks to be slightly larger and more attractive, but without exaggeration. Angelina wants to look natural, neat and remain herself.

Performed by Dr. Ilona Osadowska.

Dr. Ilona Osadowska

Brazilian Butt Lift

Liposuction LipoLife


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